It may be a demand notice after losing a court judgement, or even outstanding school fees you have to pay. Whatever the reason, getting your hands on the money fast can be a challenge. Borrowing money from friends and relatives may be out of the question if you are the type of person who does not like making your private affairs known to others. If you have a car registered in your name, you can be able to get a logbook loan in a short period.
At Logbook Money, we are in the business of offering logbook loans Birmingham to our clients within 24 hours upon application. On most occasions, we are able to approve and release the money to your account in just a few of hours. Once you contact us with your logbook loan request, we have a brief discussion informing you about the process of getting a logbook loan. If we are in agreement, we give you a go ahead to submit your original car registration logbook documents.
The next step involves a verification of the documents and a physical inspection of the car. If everything is in order, we move on to discuss the repayment terms. We still need you to demonstrate that you will be able to make the repayments. The difference is that we are flexible about it. We work with your current income and offer you easy payment solutions. Whether you receive your money on a weekly or monthly basis or even after 2 months, we can work out a suitable payment schedule.
If you are concerned about confidentiality of the whole matter, you have no reason to worry. We do not contact your employer in case you are employed and when we call, we only talk to you after you inform us you are in a position to speak. After we have agreed on everything and we have both signed and approved your application, we send the money to your account from a minimum of 2 hours to a maximum of 24 hours.
One of the biggest advantages of our logbook loan Birmingham is the fact that you continue using your car as usual. We only ask you to make sure that the car is fully insured and you continue maintaining it in a reasonable condition. For the fastest logbook loan application Birmingham, please give us a call.